You should be able to find your car simply and immediately

Find a towed car online

Getting your car towed is enough of a hassle. We should make it simple for people to find where their car has been towed by upgrading legal notification requirements for tow companies to the internet age.Illinois is leading the way with a proposal to do so thanks to Representative and Consumer Affairs Committee Chair Debbie Meyers-Martin filing House Bill 4704

Upgrade legal requirements

Current law requires companies that tow cars due to a safety issue (usually a crash) to notify the local law enforcement agency. This is usually done with a telephone call and sometimes a letter. It would be easier to do this electronically, right? The bill would upgrade the notification requirement to use the state-sponsored database instead of a phone call or a letter.

Reduce police paperwork

Police departments have a lot to do. Taking phone calls from towing companies about cars they have towed and then fielding phone calls from car owners looking for their cars should not be on their plate. An online database takes police out of the job of finding towed cars, freeing them up to prevent and solve crimes.

Make life easier for people

Getting towed makes for a bad day. This law can make that day a little better.